Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Garden Updates

I just can't get enough of this chard, but it can't seem to get enough of itself either. This stuff is SO ridiculously abundant it's almost getting annoying, like someone who talks too much. No matter how articulate (productive) they may be, you just want to say, "Enough already!"

Selectively allowing for volunteers at the border of our plot at the p-patch has created this motley of flowers that attract beneficial insects. Fennel and Marigolds:

The cinderblock bed at work is overgrown, to say the least:

But on a tomato plant laden with hundreds of tomatoes (literally, the "Sweet Millions" tomatoes have HUNDREDS of little green tomatoes on them), only a few a day are ripening. Without all the heat and sunlight, there's just not enough sugars to go around, I guess. I'm hoping for a sustained hot spell soon that will send them into a flurry of ripening.

The greens are very happy in general:

And I just can't get over this toma-bow:

Except that now I'll be forced to, 'cause only seconds after taking this photo, I ate half of it.

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